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Self-Assessment Tools

Self-Assessment tools are designed to help industry measure and improve their operations in the areas of resource efficiency. The tools provide qualitative as well as quantitative baseline of a company, identify improvement potentials and estimate potential savings. The results generated by these tools are estimated based on models and help to determine which equipment or practices are worth pursuing to improve organizational performance.

The companies can contact ESPIRE team or the experts involved in developing these tools using the contact information provided within the tools.

On-site audits and advise may be beneficial to uncover other conservation measures not addressed by these tools.

Please click title of the tools to download.

The Maturity Matrix on eWaste helps to identify the level of a country’s status quo on Electrical and Electronic Waste Management. The dimensions for the eWaste Matrix are 


  • Understanding of the E-waste Value Chain
    Public Awareness & Citizen Behaviour with Respect to E-waste
    Policy and Legislative Framework for E-Waste
    Institutionalisation of Development of E-waste Management System
    Normative Requirements and Performance Measures
    E-Waste Operational Infrastructure and Performance
    Industry’s Interaction with E-Waste, Market Development
    Environmental and Social Performance (including Livelihoods) of e-waste Value Chain

Conduct a Self-Assessment of your Pumping System to calculate both Energy Performance of Pumps and Energy Saving Potentials, using this tool consisting of:

  • Checklist for Pump And Pumping System

  • Pump Efficiency Calculator

  • Pump Energy Performance Calculator

Conduct a Self-Assessment of your Boilers and Steam System, and calcula¬te both Energy Performance of your Boilers and Energy Saving Potentials in your System, using this tool consisting of:

  • Checklist for Hot Water & Boiler System

  • Boiler Cost and Efficiency Calculator

  • Calculator for Combustion Efficiency of Boiler

  • Steam Leakage Cost Calculator by using size of Orifice

  • Energy Saving calculation by Insulating hot surfaces

  • Energy Saving calculation by Condensate recovery

  • Energy Saving Calculation by installing Economizer

Conduct a Self-Assessment of your Motors and calculate Saving Potentials through Replacement of Motors and/or installing Variable Speed Drives, using this tool consisting of:

  • Checklist for Energy Saving Options in the Motors

  • Energy Saving Calculator (Installing High Efficiency Motor)

  • Energy Saving Calculator (Installing Variable Speed Drive)

Conduct a Self-Assessment of your Compressed Air System to calculate both Energy Performance of Compressors and Energy Saving Potentials, using this tool consisting of:

  • Checklist for Energy Saving Options in the Compressed Air System

  • Compressor Energy Cost Calculator

  • Energy Saving through Pressure Reduction

  • Leakage Cost Calculator – Offline Method

  • Leakage Cost Calculator through Orifice Size

  • Energy Saving by Installing High Efficiency Motor

  • Energy Saving by Installing Multiple-stage Compressor

  • Energy Saving by Installing Variable Speed Drive

  • Waste Heat Recovery from Compressor

The Energy Management Maturity Matrix is based on Performance Levels defined in accordance with the Energy Management System ISO 50001. The Matrix helps you to assess the level of implementation of the energy management system in the company and identify areas where further development and consideration is required.

This tool unites several Checklists that help you to conduct a Self-Assessment of your existing systems and performances in the following fields:

  • Checklist Hot Water & Boiler System

  • Checklist Power generation and distribution

  • Checklist Motors

  • Checklist Pump & Pumping System

  • Checklist Compressors

  • Checklist Lighting System

The Energy Management Maturity Matrix is based on Performance Levels defined in accordance with the Energy Management System ISO 50001. The Matrix helps you to assess the level of implementation of the energy management system in the company and identify areas where further development and consideration is required.